
Putting Together A Spring Picnic

Putting Together A Spring Picnic

The hot weather has officially arrived and everyone has the same thing on their mind; getting outside to enjoy the sun! And what better way to take advantage of the warm weather than by putting together a spring picnic.  Normally I would call up friends to get together but of...

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Trying Trendy Photography Hacks

Trying Trendy Photography Hacks

I like to think I’m not the only who’s been spending excessive amounts of time on social media lately. Okay, not just social media, but TikTok. If you’re not familiar with the app, it’s a video sharing platform that’s great for finding hacks or DIYs for any topic, from fashion to cooking.

What caught my eye however, was the photography tips and tricks that seemed to constantly be infiltrating my For You page. Video after video promised flawless pictures and easy ways to up your photography game. This got me thinking, ‘Do these ideas work? Do you need to have great photography skills to begin with?’ I decided to give a few of them a go, and see whether any of these trends were as simple as they seemed.

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Quarantine DIYs

Quarantine DIYs
Keeping your mind off the news is more challenging now than ever. It’s easy to get swept up in the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s so important not to let it consume you. For a lot of people, creative projects can be a fulfilling distraction! 

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The New Normal

The New Normal
Like many other small businesses, COVID-19 has had a massive impact on Flamingo Boutique and we are doing all that we can to stay afloat in these challenging times. Since it’s not safe for us to have customers in our store, we’ve had to rethink the way that we do business and figure out how we can keep busy.

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